Motion Source God Su

The cycle of new moon to new moon was the fundamental unit of time in ancient times. Time changes all things.  
Su also corresponded to the "window of emotions," which was represented by the pupil of the eye. In the middle east where the life power class came to dominate Su came to be considered evil after the introduction of dualism after 500 BCE. This led to the concept of the "evil eye." In contrast to the pupil, the iris was considered as the eye of the sun. This was big in Egypt as the "Eye of Horus." This also led to the iris more directly  representing the "sun disk" as the god Aten under the pharaoh Akhenaten.

Masculine Motion Source Power - Su

(June 19, 2023) Motion deities were responsible for all changes in object positions (motion) on earth. This is in contrast to the life deities which were responsible for all growth changes. Motion powers were the magical powers. 

Su is represented by the dark new moon and the pupil of the eye which corresponds to both sources of motion, the heavenly bodies of the night sky and a person/animal’s inner emotions. This eye correspondence gives rise to Su’s main epithet which is “observer.” The new moon defines the monthly cycles so Su is also “father time.” The causal fluid of this class is “breaths” and “winds” (depending on which motion class) which would later be translated as “spirits.” Compare to the life-growth source deity Alu (AL).

This deity has also be translated as "Sin" or "Suen" which is incorrect. The /n/ suffix is the means "powers of" when applied to deities so those words should be translated as "powers of Su."

Front of Temple Token From Palmyra, Syria 50 BCE

(February 28, 2024) The image on this face shows some young person or deity surround by astronomical symbols. These are from right to left circling clockwise: an unknown symbol, the dark new moon god Su (ringed disk), a comet, a rising sun (dawn) and a crescent moon representing the connective life goddess Ayu. The identification of the other two symbols is uncertain.


Now at the Louvre. Item number AO 1951

Back of Temple Token From Palmyra, Syria 50 BCE

(February 28, 2024) The image  consist of a ringed disk next to a disk encircled by 8 small disks. The ringed disk is an eye representing the dark new moon god Su. In contrast the center disk seems to be the earth surrounded by the heavenly bodies pf which Su is a part.

The text is stating that Su is resisting the flow of life powers to earth. Implied is that this lack of life powers is causing a drought which is killing the suffering humans (the "tearful" in the text).

The letter style is early Aramaic.

Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 69.1)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Ku  Qu  Su  WaNu  WaLu.  AWu  QaPu  BaKu (Lev )

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Involve the life-threads.  Su is resisting Alu.  Motion-powers are collapsing the tearful.


Now at the Louvre. Item number AO 1951

Diameter: 2.30 centimeters.  Weight: 2.24 grams. Letter assignments by Olmsted. From British Museum. Museum number: 1984,1101.1. Online at:

Translation in Akkadian (Rune Text 11)

(read right to left in the traditional Druid direction as the bracteate is rotated counter clockwise. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)
  1. ŠaPu,  ŠaPu,  ŠaPu  ṢaPu. ŠaPu  Ṣu.  Mu  Ṣu  Ya (Rune 11.1)

In English

  1. Make-super, make-super, make-super the soaking. Make-super the activity-level.  Fertility-fluids are not being activated.

(June 16, 2023) This text is a plea for avoiding a drought by using magic. It is claiming not enough rain is being made because the fertility-fluids needed to trigger it is not being pushed (activated) enough to get through the life network of Hu.

The imagery on this bracteate is a mix of Roman and Druid. Just under the chain ring is a Druid Spiral doublet. To the left of that is a symbol at bottom of this photo is the Roman symbol of the infants Romulus and Remous feeding at the teats of a wolf (milk is a fertility fluid as mentioned in the text). Between the two are images are the sun (god Hu, life power) and the dark new moon (god Su, astrological motion power) indicating this bracteate is about the integration of those two classes of spiritual powers. Notice the moon is similar to the eye in the helmeted figure which further supports the idea the concentric circles represent the new (dark) moon god Su. The new moon had the epithet of "observer" in Alphabetic Akkadian. 

Minoan workshop tags found in quarter M1. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Image from foldout 3 of Goldart and Poursat 1978)


Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at:

Minoan Malia Shipping Tag for Source Power Items - 1700 BCE

(July 11, 2022) These are read left to right.

Tag 1a Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.1.1)

  1. du

Into English

  1. For the life-power source (Alu) 


Tag 1b Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.1.2)

Into English

  1. For Su (Motion power source)

One side of this tag  labels items for the life powers while the other side labels them for the motion powers.  This indicates these tags were reused.

Minoan Linear A Malia Tablet Listing Ritual Supplies to Eliminate Misery
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 12 (Text Page 24 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).

 Malia Tablet HT 12 (Minoan Text 6)

(November 25, 2022) The text reads:

  1. For the elimination of Su’s miseries. Correspondences
  2. for respect 5, and for thread-powers 5.
  3. For the activity-powers of Su's Breather (Thesu) 1
  4. liquorice-root, and 30 emotional-purifications. For the life-powers 
  5. 5. For Salu (Selene) 3. For the elimination-powers 1.
  6. For Su-powers not affecting the Revealer by not affecting Hu 50.

In Akkadian

  1. zu su wa še 10
  2. ḥīya 5 qi 5
  3. ṣi si zaqa 1
  4. šušu 30 zīku du
  5. 5 šalu 3 zi 1
  6. si ya na Ḫu ya 50
Minoan Linear A Text  Listing Supplies for Correcting Problems with Astrological Powers
Heraklion Museum tablet 5 as it appeared in 2019 in the Heraklion Museum in Crete. This Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Olmsted personal photo)

Heraklion Museum 5 (Minoan Text 8) 

(November 25, 2022) The text reads:

  1. Miserable is the house (astrological powers). Correspondences for Su-powered energy for working with life-threads,
  2. 16. For the energizers (magic-crafters) working with threaded fertility-fluids 40. For powers-of-Hu 9.
  3. On account of the threads 16. For the threaders (life-priests) for working with energizers (magic-crafters) 5
  4. not 3. For life-manifestations (of Yahu) working with thread correspondences 5.
  5. For [missing word] 5. For anti-energizers (life-priests) working with Su-empowered magic elimination 3.
  6. For [destroyed word] 12. For threading 13. For kinking
  7. the threading 20. For threading 3.

In Akkadian

  1. wa bētu ši šāḫu gi qu
  2. 16 ga mu qu 40 Ḫi
  3. Ku qu 16 qa ga 5
  4. ya 3 du gu še qu 5
  5. [ ] 5 ga yâsi tūzi
  6. [ ]qu 12 qu 13 ḥaku
  7. qu 20 qu 3
Minoan Linear A text listing supplies for magic crafters
Heraklion Museum tablet 4 as it appeared in 2019 in the Heraklion Museum in Crete. This Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Olmsted personal photo)

Heraklion Museum Tablet 4 (Minoan Text 12)

(November 25, 2022) The text reads:

  1. Threaders (life-priests) are not mixed up by fate-callers (astrological motion powers)
  2. For the lack 1. For the activity-powers working with Thu 1. For magic 1. Correspondences for the Su-powers
  3. for involving Thu 1. For doing the same 1. For magic working with the threads 1.
  4. For opposing the same Hu-powers 1. For the desirers of Hu’s
  5. misery 1. For those doing the same 1. For the elimination of the life manifestation's (Yahu)
  6. involvement 1.

In Akkadian

  1. Qa qara ḫiqu ya
  2. la 2 ṣi ṭu 1 tu 1 še si
  3. ku tu 1 ša 1 tu qu 1
  4. yâ ša ḫi 1 ṣaba ḫu
  5. wa'u 1 a ša 1 zu du
  6. ku 1
Etruscan Orcus Tomb Image 3 showing shepherd representing full moon god and astrological motion power source Su.
An old shepherd can be seen in this photo below the corner text. In the center is the hooked shepherd staff being held by this slightly bent over and robed man wearing a blue cape. The word "Shepherd" is an Akkadian epithet for magic crafter and here he seems to represent the full moon god Su who is also the source of the astrological motion powers. (Original Photo: Rönnlund, Wikimedia Commons, 2012).

Etruscan Orcus Tomb Image 3:  Su's Astrological Powers Are Not to Blame For Drought

(Sept. 8, 2022) This location is labeled "Shepherd" on the Orcus Tomb map. The word "Shepherd" is an epithet for magic crafter and here he seems to represent the full moon god Su who is also the source of the astrological motion powers. This text is defending him against claims he is causing a drought.

Translation in Akkadian (Text Med 18.2)

(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Inner vowels inferred)
  1. Nu Me Adu. Zu EZu Ya. Bu Gi. Bu A Lu Ya. A'u E Zu Ya :
  2. Mu Nu A. Qu Zu (corner) E :
  3. Nu A[1] Ku. E Ayu Azu. Ya[1] ' Amu Bu. NuṢu Ga[destroyed wall plaster]

In English

  1. Revelations (of life forms) notice fertility-fluids. The Eliminator is not affected by lunar-energy (Su). Nourishments (fertility-fluids) are being energized. Those nourishments are not lacking. Motion-powers do not eliminate nothing (uses double negative) :
  2. Fertility-fluids bring revelations. Threads are not eliminated :
  3. Revelations are due to [word].  Nothing associates with Ayu. [word] nourish the Reed Boat (Ayu).  The repulsion ......

Close-up of the corner text from Etruscan Orcus Tomb Image 3
Close-up of the corner text with letter assignments by Olmsted.
Round Minoan tag at Heraklion Museum with Inscription
Round Tag displayed at Heraklion Museum in Crete. (Personal photo of Olmsted)

Round Temple Tag at Heraklion Museum (Minoan Text 1.5) - 1700 BCE

(August 13, 2022) Read left to right. This is not a workshop tag but seems to be a temple tag with a religious phrase. 

Translation into Akkadian

  1. Su Lu.  Ḫu Wa

Into English

  1. Su is lacking. Hu is miserable.

The full moon god Su is the motion source god and his motion powers are needed to push the fertility fluids through the life network represented by the visible sun god Hu. If the fertility fluids are sluggish then life forms do not get manifested making all the life powers miserable. 

Find location was not listed


Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at:
Minoan Linear A Malia Tablet Listing Ritual Supplies to Eliminate Misery
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 12 (Text Page 24 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).

Ritual Supplies to Eliminate Misery - Malia Tablet HT 12 (Minoan Text 6)

(July 14, 2022) The text reads:

  1. For the elimination of Su’s miseries: Correspondences
  2. for respect 5, for thread-powers 5.
  3. For activity-powers for working with Su-powers: 1
  4. liquorice-root, 30 emotional-purifications. For the life-powers 
  5. 5, for Salu (Selene) 3, for the elimination-powers 1.
  6. For Su-powers not affecting the Revealer by not affecting Hu 50.

In Akkadian

  1. zu su wa še 10
  2. ḥīya 5 qi 5
  3. ṣi si zaqa 1
  4. šušu 30 zīku du
  5. 5 šalu 3 zi 1
  6. si ya na Ḫu ya 50

Line 1 indicates the motion source full moon god Su is having problems

Line 2 lists 5 ritual items for honoring Su despite his problems and 5 to Hu and his network thread powers.

Line 3 and 4 list liquorice-root as a ritual item for working with motion powers, specifically the breath powers of the motion source god Su. Breath and wind used in such context would later be translated spirit (from Latin spiritus meaning “breath” and “wind”).

Line 4 and 5 lists five unnamed items for the motion source celestial light goddess Salu (Selene) while line 5 lists one item for the eagle vultures (network link elimination powers).

Line 6 lists fifty items for the motion source power Su who is not affecting the manifestion of life forms because he is not affecting the life network of Hu.

Minoan Linear A Tablet Listing Ritual Supplies for the Life Powers of Hu
Linear A text side 1 of Minoan Malia Tablet HT 7 in the Heraklion Museum in Crete. Olmsted personal photo (2019)
Minoan Linear A Tablet Listing Ritual Supplies for the Life Powers of Hu
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 7a as it appears on page 14 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).
Minoan Linear A Malia Tablet HT 7b (Text Page 14 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970)
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 7b (Text Page 14 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).

Ritual Supplies for the Life Powers of Hu - Malia Tablet HT 7 (Minoan Text 10)

Front of Tablet 

(July 16, 2022) The text reads:

  1. The activity-powers of Su are lacking,
  2. not the elimination-powers. For Hu 3
  3. thread-items, for the nourishers of Hu 4
  4. For nourishing the distant-ones (life source deities) 1 anti-misery-maker
  5. For magic for doing the same thing with Su-powers 1

In Akkadian

  1. ṣi su li
  2. ya zi. Ḫu 3
  3. qu ba Ḫu 4
  4. bu nasû 1 
  5. tu še si 1

Line 1 states the motion powers of the full moon motion source god Su is lacking

Line 2 states the elimination powers of the eagle-vultures which are part of the life class of powers are not lacking.

Line 3 lists 3 network thread (channel) items for the network sun god Hu

Line 4 lists an anti-misery maker for unblocking the fertility fluid flows from the life source deities. Those life source deities, Alu and Hecate, become miserable when their fertility fluids are blocked by the lower layers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm

Line 5 lists one equivalent anti-misery maker for the motion source powers. In this case to aid the emotion magic which typically does this unblocking anyway.

Back of Tablet 

The text reads

  1. For the life-powers for working with the nourishing motion-powers 1
  2. For the misery eliminating-powers for working with openings 2

In Akkadian

  1. di si bi 1
  2. wa zi pu 2

Line 1 lists one ritual item for use in connecting the life powers with the motion powers.

Line 2 lists a ritual item for use in unblocking the lower two layers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. It is something which allows the middle layer to connected with the feminine power of Ashur to open of the invisible life forms for filling with amorphous matter (dust) by Yahu.

Minoan Linear A tablet Listing Ritual Supplies for Both Power Classes for Overcoming Drought
Heraklion Museum tablet 3 as it appeared in 2019 in the Heraklion Museum in Crete. This Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Olmsted personal photo)

Ritual Supplies for Both Power Classes for Overcoming Drought- Heraklion Museum Tablet 3 (Minoan Text 13)

(July 25, 2022) The text reads:

  1. Thu’s magic is eliminating the nourishments
  2. The watchers are not the same. For the life-threads, 5.
  3. Correspondences for Su-powers, 56. Correspondences for the threaders,
  4. 27. For deaths due to Hu, 8.
  5. On account of forming-powers 19 hittings. For Su
  6. for working with similar elimination-powers, 5.
  7. For activating the the pasture (astrological night sky), 30 energizers.

In Akkadian

  1. ṭu tu zu bu
  2. palilu še ya qu 5
  3. ša si 56 ša qa
  4. 27 gaṣṣu ki ḫu 8
  5. ki zīpu 19 ḥittu su
  6. še zi 5
  7. ṣē ta’û 30 ga

Line 1 is blaming motion magic for the lack of food.

Line 2 states that some unknown group of powers called the "watchers" are not working like they used to work. 

Line 3 and the last part of line two list ritual items for both the life powers and the magical motion powers. The "threaders" are life priests who work with the life network.

Line 4 lists some items for countering the deaths caused by the connective life power represented by the sun (Hu).

Line 5 lists items which affect the manifestation of life forms using the analogy of pounding copper or brass to make jewelry.

Line 6 lists some similar items which help form the life network.

Line 7 lists items for affecting the motion powers coming from the astrological night sky.

Allegedly from Lower Egypt. Now at the Oxford, Ashmolean Museum (number AN1889.433). Seal made of Carnelian, 14 x 10 x 7 mm.

Nile Delta: Motion God Su Affects Yahu (700-610 BCE)

(May 10, 2023) The full  moon god Su is adequately pushing and pouring the fertility-fluids (filtrate) through the channels (threads) of the life network. Nothing is being adversely affected.

Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.203)

(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. Su  Gi  Qu (Levant Text 60.203.1) making left line on the S has a hand slip resulting in an extra long line
  2. Lu  Ya  RaKu (Levant Text 60.203.2) 
  3. Zu  Su  KaRu  Ya  E (Levant Text 60.203.3) 

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English 

  1. Su is energizing the threads. 
  2. Not lacking is the inpouring.
  3. Emanations of Su are not reducing anything.

Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt

Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows: 

  1. Belonging to Yarim
  2. (son of) Zimriyahu


Carthage Stone as display at the Carthage National Museum in Byrsa, Tunisia. Photo from م ض via Wikimedia Commons at:
Carthage Stone as display at the Carthage National Museum in Byrsa, Tunisia. Photo from م ض via Wikimedia Commons at:

Line by Line Explanation

  1. Threads are the channels of the life network through which fertility fluids flow to trigger Yahu to manifest life forms. But, fertility fluids affected by negative human emotions which are not being covered  up but are instead being made manifest by the motion source god and full moon god Su. The sun god Hu represents the life network but it is not being properly formed.
  2. Thu is the hermaphrodite motion power deity for the connective layer of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. He is the one who normally filters out negative human emotions but he is being intimidated by the source power of this motion powers which is Su.
  3. Eagle vultures are the familiars which edit the life network by cutting off unwanted links.
  4. Lack of drought depends on a working life network represented by the sun god Hu and the pushing of the fertility fluids through it by spiritual motion (wind) powers represented by the owl familiar.
  5.  Humans emotions are causing the misery 
  6.  The astrological motion powers are in control of human emotions right now.
  7. This line makes a connection between the life powers and motion powers by using the analogy of sex.

Translation of Carthage Stone Text Blames Drought on Negative and Unblocked Emotions (170 BCE)

(September 5, 2022) This text is blaming  a drought on negative and unblocked human emotions. Normally the connective hermaphrodite motion power deity, Thu, blocked most of these negative emotions before they could affect the flow of fertility fluids through the life network represented by sun god Hu. In this case Thu is being restrained by the astrological motion source powers represented by the full moon god Su.

Translation in Akkadian

(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Inner vowels inferred)
  1. Lu Qu ḪaWu Le'u. IA Šu Qu. E ḪaSu. Su IMu Du. Mu Ta'u Ru. E ReTu A. Tu NūNu Bu Ḫu.
  2. Tu Lu Ṭu. MuTa Lu Ṭu U APu Nu. Ba'u I' QaRu. Apu Nu. Ba'u Yabu A Tu MaNu. ḪaNu Su Bu NuNu.
  3. Du RuQu Bu. Nu HuNu AWu. Hu Bu Ru. Nu MaṬu. Nu A Ma'u Ya Hu Mu. IWu Qu Se'u. Bu PaMu IDu RaQu.
  4. Bu Pamu ID RaQu. Bu Nu Be'u. Ya Ḫu Nu A Bu. NaBu PaMu ID Raqu. Lu IṢu ŠuḪu U Aku Nu A.
  5. Ṣu Ḫu RaQu Nu. Ṣu Qu EMu U Ṣu AMu. A Tu Ba'u. MaDu DaRu QaTu Du. IMu EQu Q. WA T A
  6. A Tu Imu Nu. Ṣu U Ḫu RaSu UMu. A NuNu MaWu. BaQu QeNu RaMu U Le'u IṢu Pu. IMu A Ḫu Pu 
  7. U'a Nu Tu. EMu Ḫu TaBu. Mu A Tu. INu AZu Qu. E A Pu Mu. E A U ṢȃLu AYu Lu Gi. Ya Le'u IMu. NeKu ...

In English

  1. The lack of threading is the howling of the astrological-powers. Yahu (IA) is being the same as the threading. Nothing is being covered-up. Su manifests the emotions. Fertility-fluids are being pastured by the eagle-vultures. Nothing is being set by them. Anarchic magic is nourishing Hu.
  2. Magic is lacking Thu. The murderer is lacking Thu and veiling the Revealer (Yahu). The nest (network) determines the fate of Yahu (I'). Veiled is the Revealer. The nest's enemy is supported by this magic. Intimidation by Su is nourishing anarchy.
  3. Life-manifesting is being made difficult for the nourishments (fertility-fluids). The Revealer (Yahu) is being intimidated by the motion-powers. Hu is being nourished by the eagle-vultures. The Revealer is scarce. Those revelations are not being pushed by Hu's fertility-fluids. The redirection of threads is being inhibited. Nourishments are clamoring for the difficult life-channels. 
  4. Nourishments are clamoring for the ignored life-channels. Nourishments nest the Revealer. Shouldn’t Hu be revealing those nourishments? The Nourishment-Revealer (Yahu) is clamoring for the difficult life-channels. A lack of scarcity depends on the wind and emotion-owls will be revealing that.
  5. The activity of Hu is being difficult for the Revealer (Yahu). The activity of the threads is being supervised and activated by the Reed-Boat (Ayu). Her magic is nested. The creation of invisible-forms is ending in life-manifestations, (but) emotions are making ineffective the life-threads. Misery is from those magical-powers.
  6. This magic is revealed by emotions. Activity and Hu are being attacked by the storm-powers. This makes anarchic the waters. The swarm (stars) is taking possession of the emotional-releasing and the astrological powers are making-scarce the openings. Those emotions open Hu.
  7. Misery is being revealed by magic. The Supervisor (Ayu) arouses Hu. Fertility-fluids are crafted by magic for that. Moon-eyes are associating with the threads. None of this is opening-up the fertility-fluids. None of this is fighting Ayu’s lack of energy. Do not the astrological-powers emotionally-empower? Nakedness ..