Fish (Magical Motion) Powers
(December 2024) The fish image represents motion/emotion class of divine powers. This is from a conflation of the the Akkadian words ziqu meaning breath, wind, spirit (motion power manifestations) and ziqqatû which means "fish." The /t/ ending on ziqu makes it a feminine word. The early Christian church also used the fish symbol to represent Jesus. This is another clue that he was an emotion magic crafter.
So Called "Zankle" Coin Minted in Sicily 500-493 BCE
(June 3, 2023) The text style is a mix of Etruscan and Greek as it existed at the time which is another way of saying it is like Latin.
Translation in Akkadian
(Read left to right in the Greek style. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Du ANu KaLu E (Med 31.1)
In English.
- Life-Manifestations are not from restrained considerations (focused emotions)
This text is saying that the manifestations of life forms is not helped by constraining emotion magic which aids in pushing the fertility fluids through the life network. These pushed fertility fluids then are able to trigger Yahu to manifest the life forms. This concern seems to have been motivated by a drought which occurred during this time.
Jerusalem: Astrological Powers Interfering With Life Powers (605 BCE Drought)
(March 18, 2023) Fish images came to represent motion powers from a conflation of the Akkadian words ziqu meaning breath, wind, spirit (motion power manifestations) and ziqqatû which means "fish." The /t/ ending in Akkadian is also a feminine word modifier so a spiritual motion power is also a "lady-fish." The full moon god Su is the source of motion powers from the moving night sky.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.35)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu ḪaSu Ya ADu Zu (Levant Text 60.35.1)
- BeTu Ku UḪu Ku (Levant 60.35.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack is not from blanketing the observer's (full moon Su's) emanations
- The houses (zodiac powers) are involved with the radiant-one's (sun's) agents.
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Hamiohel
- daughter of Menahem
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORA TION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, asnd THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Emotionally Generated Conflict Comes From Life-Powers Being Blocked (605 BCE Drought)
(April 11, 2023) Fish images came to represent motion powers from a conflation of the Akkadian words ziqu meaning breath, wind, spirit (motion power manifestations) and ziqqatû which means "fish." The /t/ ending in Akkadian is also a feminine word modifier so a spiritual motion power is also a "lady-fish."
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.25)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu KaLu Pu Ya ETu (Levant Text 60.25.1)
- U'a RaṢu BiṬu (Levant Text 60.25.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of emotional-restraint is not from opening the boundary (sky-shell)
- (Our) misery shows-contempt from the upper-region
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
1. Belonging to Malkiyahu 2. steward of Shapath
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: (January 27, 2025) Gotland Picture Runestone G181. It is presently located in the Swedish Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm. Based on its rune letter style it dates to about 800 CE. The text indicates the illustration represents a ritual procession at a high place involving astrology-magic. Photo by Berig via Wikimedia Commons. Online at:
This illustration shows fish at the bottom. The fish image represents motion/emotion class of divine powers. This is from a conflation of the the Akkadian words ziqu meaning breath, wind, spirit (motion power manifestations) and ziqqatû which means "fish." The /t/ ending on ziqu makes it a feminine word. The astrology-magic mentioned in the text is a form of motion magic. The early Christian church also used the fish symbol to represent Jesus. This is another clue that he was an motion magic crafter.
The top illustration within a box shows a spear being handed over with a crane observing everything. This is probably the Demoiselle Crane. Their black and white color would make them ideal for representing the moon motion source god Su from its dark new phase to its full phase. Since cranes are wading birds they would also be associated with water. The spear represents lighting and its holder would be a rain bringing storm power. In Druid culture this would be the connective sun and storm god Hu.
The main scene in the illustration shows a procession of 3 people being lead by the spearman having a wizard cap. Behind the procession is the full moon and a crown.
Translation in Akkadian (North Text 55)
(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.Runic Letter Style is a mix between late Danish and Swedish. Letter Chart Used: Northern Lineage
- SaPu Du AYu. ZiGu Tu A Lu Pu. Tu RaBu Pu SaTu : Tu A Lu : LaNu Bu. Pu SaTu (North 55.1)
In English
- The community must manifest Ayu (crescent moon goddess). The high-place-temple's astrology-magic is resulting in the lack of openings (through the sky shell). Astrology-magic authorizes the openings for the allocations (of rain). : Astrology-magic is resulting in the lack. : Make-visible-the-forms of nourishments. Open the allocations.
Fish to Represent Jesus
As evidenced by the graffiti in ancient Roman catacombs dating after 100 CE, the fish, fishing-lure, and Chi-Ro were the first symbols of Christianity. Chi and Rho are the first two letters (ΧΡ) of "Christ" in Greek ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ. Paintings representing Jesus directly did nott appear until about the 400's.
The fishing lure seems to be a reference to Jesus saying "I will make you fishers for men" in Matthew 4:19 which is a reference about teaching people to become magic crafters for humanity.
Later Christians, after Jesus was defined in Christian theology, would force onto the fish image the phrase "Jesus Christ, son of God, Savior" using the Greek word for fish ΙΧΘΥΣ (IKhThUS).
- Iησοῦς - Iēsoûs (Jesus)
- Χριστός - Khristós (Christ, "anointed-one")
- θεοῦ - theoû (God's)
- υἱός - uiós (son)
- σωτήρ - sōtḗr (savior)
Greek has another word for fish which is psári (ψάρι) which today is the most commonly used word for fish.