Introduction of the Silent B Around 350 BCE

Diphthongs are a vowel transition. Notice that former diphthongs of the au/aw, ou/ow class are tending in modern English to be further simplified down to just a single vowel sound. Such is the way language sounds change.

Silent B in English Came From Latin Which Came From Druid Akkadian

(February 17, 2024) The silent B entered English via Latin and Latin got it during its development from the mixing of Druid Akkadian with Indo-European. In writing this is seen during the late Aegean Island writing style as it was being adopted for use in both the  Greek and Latin writing. The silent B was used to indicate a diphthong, that is, a transition in vowel sounds within a word.

Some examples of English words with a silent b are "thumb, lamb, coulomb, debt, and subtle." Other silent B words are paired with grammatical forms which sound out the B such as climb-clamber, crumb-crumble, doubt-dubious.

All these words come from Latin. For example doubt and dubious comes from Latin grammatical forms dubiosus, dubius, dubitare, and dubium. Its B became silent when the noun form took on a diphthong sound now actually sounded out in the English word "doubt" by the "ou" spelling instead of the silent b. Significantly, the equivalent French word  "doute and douter" left out the B in favor of the /ou/ consturction when the modern forms of spelling developed after the development of printing.  

Up to now the origin of the silent b has been uncertain and thus controversial.


Silent B In Latin Writing Lineage From the Male Bronze Statue of San Casciano 350 BCE (Med Text 55)

(February 17 2024)  Text of right leg of Male Bronze Statue of San Casciano. Letter style is late Aegean Island transitioning into Latin style.

Translation of Front Face in Akkadian (Med Text 55)

(Read  left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) 
  1.  EMu  ARu  Bu  Ya  USu (Med 55.1)  
  2.  Yu  EBu  Ru  ABaḪu  La'u (Med 55.2)   Silent B to form a dipthong between vowels so word is pronounced Aaahoooo with a soft non-explosive /h/

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The Supervisor's (astrological power's) control is not nourishing the bindings (connections of the links in the life network)
  2. Are not the sky-shell's eagle-vultures side-effects of the astrological-powers?

Silent B In Greek Writing Lineage From Tiba Syria Stone 350 BCE (Med Text 54)

(February  11, 2024)  This is mostly late Aegean Island in style just starting its transition to the Greek style.  The dual use letter Yod (I,Y) is being split apart into its vowel (I) and consonant (Y) forms. This seems to be the earliest evidence for that.

Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (Med Text 54)

(read  left to right. Capital letters are on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) 
  1. ABu  TaRu  A  |  A  DaRu  Iu.  A  Ne'u  YaBu  EBu      (Med 54.3)  Silent B on EBu which introduces diphthongs to writing. It is pronounced Eeeooo.
  2. Ta'u  Yu  KaYu  Ru.  Ya'u  Yu  ALu.  A  Ṭu  ANu  Lu  E (Med 54.4)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Life-Priests can shape those (revelations).  | Those life-forms are not being done. Their emotional-affects are making an enemy of the sky-shell
  2. The pasture (astrological night sky) does not affect the prodding of the eagle-vultures. Yahu (Y') does not affect that (either).  Lack does not affect Thu. Considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic) are lacking nothing.