Moabite Stele 980 BCE

For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts

Moabite Stele now in the Louvre in Paris
The remains of the Moabite Stele now in the Louvre in Paris. After a squeeze was taken of the text in preparation for purchase and western interest in it was revealed, the original stone was deliberately destroyed by the tribe which found it. The reason for this destruction is unknown. The light area is all that remains of the original stone. The dark basalt is a reconstruction based upon the squeeze.
Preserved Letters on the Moabite Stele as published by Mark Lidzbarski in 1898
The Preserved Letters on the Moabite Stele as published by Mark Lidzbarski in 1898. The grey area is the existing stone and the white area is what was preserved in the paper pressing. (from Wikimedia commons, originally in Handbuch der nordsemitischen Epigraphik, nebst ausgewählten Inschriften)
The tribes of Israel before the Elijah drought and civil war of 840 BCE according to the Hebrew Scriptures. The tribe of Reuben became Moab after that event. Their territories actually are the same and centered around the Arnon river. Notice how the territory of Benjamin is long and narrow indicating they were invaders who crossed the Jordan river and settled in the boarder lands between Judah and Ephraim. The territory of other tribes are more square. The tribe of Benjamin most likely were refuges fleeing from Moab during the 980 BCE drought which gave rise to the Moabite stele.

Translation in Akkadian of Moabite Stele - 980 BCE

(May 24, 2023)  This text is a debate and discussion about a drought between a life priest and an emotion-magic (magick) crafter. Both tend to blame each other. According to the life-priest, the only valid motion power (magic) are the astrological powers. The life-priest is claiming that emotion generated magic is interfering with these astrological powers. These motion powers are needed to push the fertility fluids through the life network in order to trigger Yahu to manifest life forms.

The earliest historical attestation of the word "Yahweh" is found in Line 18. The word means "power of Yahu." This provides more evidence that the tribe of Benjamin which composed this stele were the ancestors of Jewish culture who were forced to cross the Jordan River around the then ruined city of Jericho because of the drought and locust invasion mentioned in the text. (The Benjaminite's then began to build a city on the ruins of Jericho.)

The drought mentioned in this text must be the drought dated to 980 BCE. The text reads:

  1. (Life-Priest Speaking) Considerations (focused magical emotions) involving fertility-fluids are blocking nourishments. The Revealer (Yahu) is being bound by activity-levels. Fertility-fluids are lacking involvement (with activity-levels).  Fertility-fluids are lacking involvement. Those fertility-fluids are being nourished by enlightenments (astrological motion powers).
  2. (Magick Crafter Speaking) The enemy is not revealed |  Life-priests lack emotion-powers.  Prodders (magic-crafters) are lacking fertility-fluids. Life-priests are fighting activity-levels.  Repel the pasture (astrological powers).  Considerations are binding the lack of involvement. 
  3. (Life-Priest Speaking) Don't craft-magic.  Attend to the eagle-vultures.  Those are not being nourished. |  When will motion-powers activate the sky-shell? Fertility-fluids are being properly-portioned. Its magic that is lacking involvement.  Enable the nourishments. Threads are annointing nothing |  Emotionally-release blockages of the fertility-fluids
  4. (Magick Crafter Speaking) Blockages are involving Yahu (YH). Blockages are being revealed. Emotion-powers are restraining the Supervisors (Ayu and eagle-vultures). Lack is involving the Revealer.  Don't weave together the gathering of considerations. Astrological-powers are not involved with the sins of Ayu:  |  the Reed-Boat's (Ayu) eagle-vultures.
  5. (Life-Priest Speaking) Are not fertility-fluids lacking involvement?  Does not life-space lack those?  When will Yahu (Ya'u) be revealed?  Fate-curses are life-cursing the life-priests.  Emotions are culling the nourishments revealing their involvement.  Pain is energized by considerations. Involving active fertility-fluids. Nourish the Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures)
  6. (Magick Crafter Speaking) They bring nothing | The fate-curses of Hu energize the lack. The sky-shell is revealed. Nothing is fate-cursing the Reed-boat. Falseness does not bring fertility-fluids. That is activating abandonment. That is cursing the life-priests |  Nourishments are not emotions. The Reed-boat's eagle-vultures are involved. Connect to the eagle-vultures.
  7. (Life-Priest Speaking) When Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures) are not brought by life-priests. When Gatekeepers (owls) are not brought by magic-crafters. When scarcity is from eagle-vultures. Lack from life-priests is from manifestations. The life-priest's divine-powers are lacking fertility-fluids. Fate-cursed are the eagle-vultures. Blockages are not making rain. Those magic-crafter-powers should be emotionally-restraining that.
  8. (Magick Crafter Speaking) Obligations (from priest rituals) are not bringing manifestations of those nourishments | Fate-curses are activating the Gatekeepers (owls). Nothing is emotionally-triggering the attention of the covering (astrological powers). Are not emotions an enemy? The Revealer (Yahu) did not bring the nested Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures). The Revealer's drought is activated by a fate-curse.
  9. (Life-Priest Speaking) Nourishments are being starved by the fertility-fluid's activity-level.  Nourishments are not being emotionally-empowered. | Fate-cursing of the nourishments has been revealed.  That nests magic.  Lack of pushing is from being abandoned by the motion-powers. Activity-levels are being nourished by nothing.  Nothing is celestially-healing the radiations (life giving heat, light from sun) and the life-priest's revelations
  10. (Magick Crafter Speaking) Those magic-powers are not querying (praying) for magic's revelations. | Fate-curses on activity-levels do not manifest energy. Activity-levels are gating the Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures). The drunkenness of Thu is setting the pushing (of the fertility-fluids). Lack of fertility-fluids is from fate-cursing nourishment's revelations. Lack of the Supervisor (Ayu) is from not being meek. 
  11. (Life-Priest Speaking) Life-Space is from Alu. The pasture (night sky's astrological powers) sets Thu. | Fate-curses are splitting-off Hu's fertility-fluids. Swarms of eagle-vultures and attendants (owls) are emanating nothing | Fate-curses are gathering the energy.  These fertility-fluids are emotionally restraining Yahu's (E'u) revealed fertility-fluids.
  12. (Magick Crafter Speaking) No one is querying (praying) for the eagle-vultures. Omens are lacking involvement with the fertility-fluids. Activate and make defiant the life-priests (who affect eagle-vultures) | Fate-curses are activating division. Dehydration is from emotion-magic. Controllers (Ayu & eagle-vultures) do the irrigated-field (life-network). Magic-crafter's emotional-attention is on activity (flow of the fertility-fluid).
  13. (Life-Priest Speaking) Hu is being nourished by the high-ones.  Energy is not revealing involvement with fertility-fluids.  Desires are querying (praying for) omens. |  Fate-curses nourish desires.  Nothing is coming from magic.  Expulsions from life-space are revealing the fate-curses. Magic changes-activity-levels with considerations (focused emotions).
  14. (Magick Crafter Speaking) Fertility-fluids are set by Hu. | Fate-Cursed is the Reed-Boat (Ayu). Eagle-Vultures are administering the bindings. Activity-levels are lacking involvement with the attendants (owls). Emanations are coming from magic. Revelations are being nourished by Yahu (E'u). Lack is making scarce the eagle-vultures of Alu: | the weavers.
  15. (Life-Priest Speaking) Nothing is weakening the constrainers (astrological powers). Lack of attention-shifting (emotion magic powers) is from that. Lack of magic-powers is from paralysis of fertility-fluids. Nothing nourishes the fertility-fluids. Envy is being shed by Hu. Eagle-vultures are pasturing the life-manifestations. Confusion is gathering-together the fertility-fluids | Fate-cursed is Hu.
  16. (Magick Crafter Speaking) Emanations (from moon and stars) bring the attention-shifting. The gathering-place's energy is getting involved with (its) deficiency. Activity-levels are nesting magic. Those vibrations are being revealed. Energy is nourishing the eagle-vultures which are abandoning judgment. |  Powers-Of-Death are seeing magic. The powers-of-death are involved.
  17. (Life-Priest Speaking) The pasture (night sky) is anointing murder. |  The prodding of astrological-powers is causing drought. Eagle-vultures are being bound by activity-levels (motion powers). Nothing is coming from Hu. Eagle-vultures are murdering nothing. |  Fate-cursed are the life-threads of Hu. Fertility-fluids are being dehydrated by anger.
  18. (Magick Crafter Speaking) Not lacking Yahweh (any powers of Yahu) is from fate-cursing the revolt. Nourishments are being controlled by the lack of energy. The Revealer (Yahu) is activated by irrigation from fertility-fluid's. | Storm-powers are lacking prodding. Life is still coming from the lord of revelations (Yahu). Nothing is coming from magic.
  19. (Life-Priest Speaking) Yahu (YH) is being roasted by a scarcity of nourishments. Nourishments are not coming from the sky-shell. Lacking is magic. The paralysis is not affected by the sky-shell. |  Fate-cursing is guiding the activity-levels. Starvation dehydrates the fertility-fluids. Energy redirects the revelations (of life-forms).
  20. Magick Crafter Speaking) Expectations are paralyzing the fertility-fluids. Life-priests should replace those fertility -fluids. Those activity-powers are being restrained. Eagle-vultures are activating nothing. |  Fate-Curses are activating those. The sky-shell is the same as Yahu (YH). Fate-Curses are not from Hu's emanations.
  21. (Life-Priest Speaking) Any lack of Su (motion powers) is from energizing the pasture (night sky with emotion magic). Any lack of Life-manifestations is from making an enemy of the Revealer (Yahu). | Considerations are involved with the nourishments. Don't prune the life-threads. Eagle-vultures of Hu are not doing anything. Hu is being murdered. Nothing of Yahu is abandoned by the eagle-vultures. Hu is being murdered.
  22. Magick Crafter Speaking) Yahu (E'u) is detached. |  Fate-Curses are stripping naked the nourishments. Don't prune the blockages. Shepherds (magic crafters) will attend to those. The Revealer (Yahu) has been involved with nourishments. The Revealer does not craft-emotion-magic. Fertility-fluids are being energized by the water-bringer (Ba'al). Emotion-magic is bringing nothing.  |  It is fate-cursed.  |
  23. (Life-Priest Speaking) The Revealer (Yahu) has been involved with nourishments. The Revealer (Yahu) has not been doing magic. The houses (zodiac) lack fertility-fluids. (Their) involvement is fate-cursing the Revealer. (Their) prodding is being activated by magic. The irrigated field (life network) is lacking Ayu. Nothing is being expelled. [rubbed out phrase]. The Revealer is being swarmed the authorities (planets).
  24. Magick Crafter Speaking) Nothing is being queried (prayed for) |  While seers (natural world diviners) are considering the swarm (locusts), the authorities (planets) are ineffective. The authorities should be queried. Hu is shifting-attention. The astrologers are lacking emotional-restraint. Yahu (E')  is being pushed away. Activity is due to lack.
  25. (Life-Priest Speaking) Those bindings (from planets) are activating the seers. Gatekeepers (owls) are foreshadowing nothing. |  Fate-Curses are stripping-naked the involvement of eagle-vultures. Don't craft-emotion-magic. The Supervisor (Ayu) is involved with eagle-vultures. Figs are lacking. Query (pray for) Hu. The sky-shell will celestially-heal the eagle-vultures.
  26. Magick Crafter Speaking) [destroyed phrase] life-space  Alu  |  Considerations (focused emotions) are getting involved with nourishments. The pruning shepherds Yahu (I'). Eagle-vultures are fate-cursed. The Revealer (Yahu) is being prodded. Activity is not being magically-generated by the Supervisor (Ayu). Selu is that arousal. Eagle-vultures are due to chaos. 
  27. (Life-Priest Speaking) Considerations (focused emotions) are getting involved with nourishments.  The Revealer (Yahu) does not craft-magic. Nourish arousal of the fertility-fluids. Magic could be prodding the gathering-place (network layer). Su (full moon god) is not doing that. |  Consideration (focused emotions) are getting involved with nourishments. The Revealer (Yahu) does not craft-magic. Nourish the Conductor (star Sirius). Involve Yahu's moon-eye (Su).
  28. Magick Crafter Speaking) [2 or 3 words missing] activity. Don't manifest the nourishments of stillness (death). Fertility-fluids are activating the Revealer. Don't be involved with the restraints which don't manifest the nourishments of the Revealer. Fertility-fluids are being activated by the pushing from magic. |  Fate-cursed is the Revealer. The Involvement of the fertility-fluids (with emotion magic) is weak.
  29. (Life-Priest Speaking) [2 words missing]. [Emotions] are aroused by that. Queries expel the Revealer. Shepherds (magic crafters) lack Su. Magic lacks Yahu (Y'). Nothing is being controlled by correspondences (emotion magic). | Fate-Cursed is the Revealer's involvement.  Nourish the pruning (of life-threads).
  30. Magick Crafter Speaking) [missing phrase]. Motion-powers are nourishing magic. The connections (of network links) are lacking replacements. | The patroller's (planet's) magic is nesting. Any-lack is from pushing away the Revealer (by life powers). Fate-Cursed is the activity-level which is expelling fertility-fluids. That magic is pouring-away the life-manifestations.
  31. (Life-Priest Speaking) ..... Nothing is controlling the correspondences. |  Radiation of the dawn is being chaotic. Scarcity is being gated by the sky-shell ....
  32. Magick Crafter Speaking) .... [missing words] Reed-Boat's eagle-vultures. Any lack of irrigation is from the fertility-fluid's activity-levels driving nothing. Any lack of magic is from Hu's fertility-fluids being thin. Dawn is being chaotic |  Cursed is the driver of [missing word].
  33. (Life-Priest Speaking) .... Nourishments are being starved by the fertility-fluid's activity-levels. Nourishments are not emotional. Fate-curses are astrologically-empowering the life-manifestations.  The Supervisor (Ayu) has been activated. Pushing has been activated | [missing word]
  34. Magick Crafter Speaking) .... Murder is being fed by the threads. Cursed is the Revealer's [missing word]
  35. ….


Compston, H.F.B (1919) The inscription on the Stele of Mesa, commonly called the Moabite Stone.  Published in 1919 in the United States by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, MacMillan Co., New York, published in Britain by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, London. Online at:
Lake bottom Core sample data from the Sea of Galilee showing the droughts
Lake bottom Core sample data from the Sea of Galilee. In historical times it shows two major droughts with several minor ones. Minor droughts are indicated anytime the curves turn downward. 
The 50 year long Great Drought of 1180 to 1140 BCE (Iron Age 1 period) is what ended the Bronze Age and the 5-year long Elijah drought of 845-840 BCE. The yellow gives the tree pollen level while the green gives the non-tree pollen level. (Langut and Finkelsein 2013)

Droughts Defined the Archaeological Periods in the Levant

(May 3, 2023) Droughts separate the archaeological periods in the Levant. States weakened by local droughts were often subject to raids right after the droughts by Mesopotamian empires which were unaffected due to their irrigation. Below is the latest widely accepted chronology proposed by Amihai Mazar in 2014 shown below: 

Droughts According to Drought Chart

  1. 1180-1140 BCE - Great Drought
  2. 980 BCE
  3. 845-840 BCE - Elijah Drought
  4. 732 BCE - led to Assyrian invasion  
  5. 605 BCE - led to Babylonian invasion 

Diagnostic Letter Shapes For Dating

  1. 605 BCE - "A" has square peak. "L" has hooked appendage.
  2. 732 BCE - "A" has pointed peak.  "L" has flat appendage.


Langut, D. Finkelsein, I, Litt, T. (2013) Climate and the Late Bronze Collapse: New Evidence from the Levant. Tel Aviv 40:149-175. Online at
Mazar, Amihai (2005) The Debate over the Chronology of the Iron Age in the Southern Levant: its History, the Current Situation and a Suggested Resolution. pp. 15-30 in: T. Levy and T. Higham (editors), The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating - Archaeology, Text and Science. London. Online at:
major sites in ancient Moab were on either side of the Arnon River.
The major sites in ancient Moab were on either side of the Arnon River. The Stele was found near its capital Dibon. Map from Finkelstein and Lipschits (2011) 

Archaeology of Moab

A series of Israelite settlements on the marginal agricultural lands east of the Dead Sea was established around the wadi Mujib during the early Iron Age 1B period (1140-980 BCE). These seem to have been motivated mostly by the wealth produced by local mineral deposits such as copper. The largest copper mine was the one at Khirbet en-Nahas located straight south and slightly west of the Dead Sea.

Many of these settlements were abandoned during the drought of 980 BCE (Finkelstein and Lipschits 2011) just after the Moabite stele was composed. 

The Egyptian Pharoah during this drought was Orsokon the Elder who is also known as Akheperra setepenra. He ruled between 984 and 978 BCE which was during the mysterious 3rd intermediate period’s 21 dynasty of Egyptian history. (Shaw 2002).

With the return of the rains the kingdom began to slowly re-establish itself but before it could fully do so Egyptian Pharoah Shishonq (940 - ?) raided the south and took control of the copper trade. Sheshonq I was the founder of the Egyptian 22 dynasty. This left the remaining people of Moab weak and poor. They became known as the tribe of Reuben in the Hebrew Scriptures. After the 840 Israelite civil war this land started being called Moab by the Hebrew Scriptures.


Finkelstein, I and Lipschits, O. (2011) The Genesis of Moab: A Proposal, in Council for British Research in the Levant 43: 139-152. Online at:

Justification of Translation

Lines 1 and 2: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.1) 
  1. ANnu  Ku  Mu  Ṣe’u  Bu. Considerations (focused emotions) involving fertility-fluids are blocking nourishments.
  2. Nu  KaMu  Ṣu.  The Revealer (Yahu) is being bound by activity-powers.
  3. Mu  La  Ku.  Fertility-fluids are lacking involvement (of the motion/activity powers). 
  4. Mu  La  Ku.  Fertility-fluids are lacking involvement. 
  5. Mu  A  Bu  Edu.  Those fertility-fluids can be nourished by enlightenment.

(Levant 14.2) 
  1. YaBu  Nu  Ya The enemy is not revealed | 
  2. ABu  Imi  Lu Life-priests lack emotion-powers.
  3. Ka'u  Lu  Mu.  Prodders (magic-crafters) are lacking fertility-fluids.
  4. ABu  ṢaLu  Ṣi.  Life-priests are fighting activity-powers
  5. NuṢe  TuWu.  Repel the pasture (astrological powers). 
  6. ANnu  KaMu  La  Ku. Considerations are binding the lack of involvement.

In English. 

  1. Considerations (focused magical emotions) involving fertility-fluids are blocking nourishments. The Revealer is being bound by activity-powers. Fertility-fluids are lacking involvement (with the motion/activity powers).  Fertility-fluids are lacking involvement. Those fertility-fluids can be nourished by enlightenments (astrological motion powers).
  2. The enemy is not revealed |  Life-priests lack emotion-powers.  Prodders (magic-crafters) are lacking fertility-fluids. Life-priests are fighting activity-powers.  Repel the pasture (astrological powers).  Considerations are binding the lack of involvement.

Lines 3 and 4: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels)
(Levant 14.3) 
  1. Tu  Ya Don't craft-magic.
  2. AḪu  Ru  Attend to the eagle-vultures. 
  3. Bu  Ya Those are not being nourished. | 
  4. A'u  Ṣu  EBu. When will motion-powers activate the sky-shell?  
  5. Mu  ZiTtu    Fertility-fluids are being properly-portioned.
  6.  A  Tu  La  Ku. That magic is lacking involvement.
  7. MaṢu  Bu.  Enable the nourishments. 
  8. Qu RaḪu  E  | Threads are annointing nothing |
  9.  RaMu  Ṣe’u  Mu Emotionally-release blockages of the fertility-fluids

(Levant 14.4) 
  1.  Ṣe’u  Ku  YaHu.  Blockages are involving Yahu (YH).
  2. Ṣe’u  Nu Blockages are being revealed
  3. IMu KaLu  EMu.  Emotion-powers are restraining the Supervisors (Ayu and eagle-vultures). 
  4. Lu  Ku  Nu.  Lack is involving the Revealer
  5. UKu  Ya  ERu  ANnu.  Don't weave together the gathering of considerations
  6. IRu  Ku  Ya  ṢiNu  AYu  |   Astrological-powers are not getting involved with the sins of Ayu  |
  7. 'Mu  Ru (that is) the Reed-Boat's eagle-vultures.

In English. 

  1. Don't craft-magic.  Attend to the eagle-vultures.  Those are not being nourished. |  When will motion-powers activate the sky-shell? Fertility-fluids are being properly-portioned. Its magic that is lacking involvement.  Enable the nourishments. Threads are annointing nothing |  Emotionally-release blockages of the fertility-fluids
  2. Blockages are involving Yahu (YH). Blockages are being revealed. Emotion-powers are restraining the Supervisors (Ayu and eagle-vultures). Lack is involving the Revealer.  Don't weave together the gathering of considerations. Astrological-powers are not involved with the sins of Ayu  |  (that is) the Reed-Boat's eagle-vultures.

Lines 5 and 6: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.5
  1. Ya  Mu  Lu  Ka Are not fertility-fluids lacking involvement?
  2. Ya  eRe  A  Lu  Does not mortal-space lack those?   
  3. U  Ya'u  Nu When will Yahu (Ya'u) be revealed? 
  4. WA  TaMu  ABu Fate-curses are life-cursing the life-priests
  5. IMu  NaRu  Bu Nu Ku Emotions are culling the nourishments revealing (their) involvement
  6. YaYa  ANu  Gi Pain is energized by considerations (focused emotions).
  7. Ku  Mu  Ṣu Involve active fertility-fluids.
  8. Bu  ARu Nourish the Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures)

(Levant 14.6
  1. Ša  E  | They are bringing nothing |
  2. UYa  Ḫu  Lu  Gi The fate-curses of Hu energize lack
  3. EBu  Nu The sky-shell is revealed.
  4. UYu  AMu Nothing is fate-cursing the Reed-boat
  5. RuGgu Mu  E Falseness does not bring fertility-fluids
  6. A'u  NaWu  That is activating abandonment
  7. TaMu  ABu  | That is life-cursing the life-priests |
  8. Bu  IMu Ya Nourishments are not emotions
  9. AM  Ru  Ku The Reed-boat's eagle-vultures are involved
  10.  DaBbu  Ru Connect to the eagle-vultures

In English. 

  1. Are not fertility-fluids lacking involvement?  Does not mortal-space lack those?  When will Yahu (Ya'u) be revealed?  Fate-curses are life-cursing the life-priests. Emotions are culling the nourishments revealing their involvement. Pain is energized by considerations. Involving active fertility-fluids. Nourish the Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures)
  2. They bring nothing | The fate-curses of Hu energize lack. The sky-shell is revealed. Nothing is fate-cursing the Reed-boat. Falseness does not bring fertility-fluids. That is activating abandonment. That is cursing the life-priests |  Nourishments are not emotions. The Reed-boat's eagle-vultures are involved. Connect to the eagle-vultures.

Lines 7 and 8: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.7
  1. U  ARu  ABu  E When Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures) are not brought by life-priests. 
  2. U  BiBu Tu  E When Gatekeepers (owls) are not brought by magic-crafters. |
  3. U  IṢu  R  A When scarcity is from eagle-vultures. 
  4. Lu  ABu  Du   Lack is from life-priest's manifestations
  5. ABu  Di'u Lu  Mu The life-priest's divine-powers are lacking fertility-fluids
  6.  UYa  Ru.  Fate-curse the eagle-vultures!
  7. Ṣe'u  MuRu Ya Blockages do not being rain.
  8. A  Tu  KaLu  A These magic-crafters should be emotionally-restraining those.

(Levant 14.8
  1. ŠiMu  E  Du  Bu  A  | Obligations (from-life-priest rituals) are not bringing manifestations of those nourishments | 
  2. UYa  Ṣu  BiBu Fate-curses are activating the Gatekeepers (owls)
  3. IMu  EWu  ḪeŠu Nothing is emotionally-triggering the attention of the covering (astrological powers)
  4. Ya  IMu  YaBu Are not emotions (magick) an enemy?
  5. Nu  E  ARu  Ba'u The Revealer (Yahu) did not bring the nested Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures)
  6. Nu  ṢeTu  UYa  Ṣu The Revealer's drought is activated by a fate-curse

In English. 

  1. When Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures) are not brought by life-priests. When Gatekeepers (owls) are not brought by magic-crafters. When scarcity is from eagle-vultures. Lack of life-priests is from manifestations. The life-priest's divine-powers are lacking fertility-fluids. Fate-curse the eagle-vultures. Blockages are not making rain. Those magic-crafters should be emotionally-restraining that.
  2. Obligations (from priest rituals) are not bringing manifestations of those nourishments | Fate-curses are activating the Gatekeepers (owls). Nothing is emotionally-triggering the attention of the covering (astrological powers). Are not emotions (magick) an enemy? The Revealer (Yahu) did not bring the nested Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures). The Revealer's drought is activated by a fate-curse.

Lines 9 and 10: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.9)
  1. Bu  EKu  Mu  Ṣu.  Nourishments are being starved by the fertility-fluid's activity-level.  
  2. Bu  IM  Ya | Nourishments are not being emotionally-empowered. |
  3. WA  Bu  Nu Fate-cursing of the nourishments has been revealed.  
  4. A  Tu  Ba'u.  That nests emotion-magic.  
  5. Lu  Ma' u  NaWu  A'u.  Lack of pushing is from abandoning the motion-powers. 
  6. Ṣu  Bu  E The activity-level is being nourished by nothing. 
  7. AṢu  UḪu U  ABu  Nu. Nothing is celestially-healing the radiations (life giving heat, light from sun) and the life-priest's revelations

(Levant 14.10)
  1. A  Tu  QeRu  Ya  Tu  Nu  |  Those emotion-magic-powers are not being queried for magic's revelations |
  2. WA  Ṣu  Gi  Du  Ya Fate-curses on activity-levels do not manifest energy.
  3. Ṣu  BiBu  ARu The activity-level  is gating the Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures)
  4. Še'u  Ṭu  ReTu  Ma'u The drunkenness of Thu is setting the pushing (of the fertility-fluids)
  5. Lu  Mu  UYa  Bu  Nu Lack of fertility-fluids is from fate-cursing nourishment's revelations
  6. Lu  EMu  LaKu  Ya Lack of the Supervisor (Ayu) is from not being emotionally-meek.

In English

  1. Nourishments are being starved by the fertility-fluid's activity.  Nourishments are not being emotionally-empowered. | Fate-cursing of the nourishments has been revealed.  That nests emotion-magic.  Lack of pushing is from abandoning the motion-powers. Activity is being nourished by nothing.  Nothing is celestially-healing the radiations (life giving heat, light from sun) and the life-priest's revelations
  2. That emotion-magic is not being queried for magic's revelations | Fate-curses on activity do not manifest energy. Activity is gating the Controllers (Ayu and eagle-vultures). The drunkenness of Thu is setting the pushing (of the fertility-fluids). Lack of fertility-fluids is from fate-cursing nourishment's revelations. Lack of the Supervisor (Ayu) is from not being emotionally-meek.  

Lines 11 and 12: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.11)
  1. ṢeRu  ALu  A Life-Space is from Alu
  2. Ta'u  Ṭu  ReTu The pasture (night sky's astrological powers) sets Thu |
  3. WA  LeTu  Ḫu  Mu Fate-curses are splitting-off Hu's fertility-fluids.
  4. BaQu  Ru  U  AḪu  Zu  E |  Swarms of eagle-vultures and attendants (owls) are emanating nothing |
  5. WA  ERu  Gi Fate-curses are gathering the energy.
  6. A  Tu  KaLu   E' u  Mu  Nu These fertility-fluids are emotionally restraining Yahu's (E'u) revealed fertility-fluids

(Levant 14.12)
  1. QeRu  Ru. Nothing is querying the eagle-vultures
  2. ITtu  Lu  Ku  Mu  Omens are lacking involvement with the fertility-fluids
  3. Ṣu  U  LeMu  ABu  |  Activate and make defiant the life-priests  |
  4. WA  Ṣu  BaMu Fate-curses are activating division
  5. ṢaMu  A  Tu Dehydration is from emotion-magic
  6. ARu  A  LuDu  Controllers are on the irrigated-field (life-network)
  7. UDu  EWu  A  Šu Magic-crafter's emotional-attention is on activity

In English

  1. Life-Space is from Alu  The pasture (night sky's astrological powers) sets Thu | Fate-curses  are splitting-off Hu's fertility-fluids. Swarms of eagle-vultures and attendants (owls) are emanating nothing | Fate-curses are gathering the energy.  These fertility-fluids are emotionally restraining Yahu's (E'u) revealed fertility-fluids.
  2. Nothing is querying the eagle-vultures. Omens are lacking involvement with the fertility-fluids. Activate and make defiant the life-priests  | Fate-curses are activating division. Dehydration is from emotion-magic. Controllers do the irrigated-field (life-network). Magic-crafter's emotional-attention is on activity

Lines 13 and 14: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.13)
  1. Ḫu  Bu  ELu. Hu is being nourished by the high-ones.
  2. Gi  Nu  Ya  Ku  Mu.  Energy is not revealing involvement with fertility-fluids.
  3. ṢaBu  QeRu  ITu. | Desires are querying omens. |
  4. WA  ṢaBu  Bu  Fate-curses nourish desires
  5. A  Tu Nothing is coming from emotion-magic.
  6.  AṢu ṢeRu  Nu  WA Expulsions from life-space are revealing the fate-curses
  7. Tu  ANnu  Ṣu   Emotion-Magic changes-activity-levels with considerations (focused emotions)

(Levant 14.14)
  1. Mu  Ḫu  ReTu  | Fertility-fluids are set by Hu  |
  2. UYa  AMu  Fate-Cursed is the Reed-Boat (Ayu)
  3. Ru  LeYu KuMa Eagle-Vultures are administering the bindings  
  4.  Ṣu  Lu  Ku  AḪu Activity-levels are lacking involvement with the attendants (owls)
  5.  Zu  A  Tu Emanations are coming from emotion-magic.
  6. Nu  Bu  E' u Revelations are being nourished by YaHu (E'u)
  7. Lu  IṢe  Ru  ALu  | Lack is making scarce the eagle-vultures of Alu: |
  8. UTu The weavers

In English

  1. Hu is being nourished by the high-ones.  Energy is not revealing involvement with fertility-fluids.  Desires are querying omens. |  Fate-curses nourish desires.  Nothing is coming from emotion-magic.  Expulsions from life-space are revealing the fate-curses. Emotion-Magic changes-activity-levels with considerations (focused emotions).
  2. Fertility-fluids are set by Hu. | Fate-Cursed is the Reed-Boat (Ayu). Eagle-Vultures are administering the bindings. Activity-levels are lacking involvement with the attendants (owls). Emanations are coming from emotion-magic. Revelations are being nourished by YaHu (E'u). Lack is making scarce the eagle-vultures of Alu: | the weavers.

Lines 15 and 16: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.15)
  1. LaKu  BeLu Nothing is weakening the constrainers (astrological powers)
  2. Lu  EWu  A Lack of attention-shifting (emotion magic powers) is from that
  3. Lu  Ta  ḪaMu  Bu Lack of emotion-magic-powers is from paralysis of fertility-fluids
  4. E  Mu  Bu Nothing nourishes the fertility-fluids
  5. Qi'u  EṢu  Ḫu Envy is being shed by Hu
  6. Ru  Ta'u  Du Eagle-vultures are pasturing the life-manifestations
  7. EŠu  ERu  Mu |  Confusion is gathering-together the fertility-fluids |
  8. WA  Ḫu Fate-cursed is Hu

(Levant 14.16)
  1. Zu  EW  A Emanations (from moon and stars) bring the attention-shifting
  2. ERu  Gu  Ku  LeMu The gathering-place's (net) energy is getting involved with (its) deficiency
  3. Ṣu  Ba'u  Tu  Activity-levels are nesting emotion-magic
  4. A  LaGu  Nu Those vibrations are being revealed
  5. Gi  Bu  Ru Energy is nourishing the eagle-vultures
  6. NaWu  DaNu  | which are abandoning judgment |
  7. UGu  BaRu  Tu Powers-Of-Death are seeing emotion-magic
  8. UGu  Ku The powers-of-death are involved

In English

  1. Nothing is weakening the constrainers (astrological powers). Lack of attention-shifting (emotion magic powers) is from that. Lack of emotion-magic-powers is from paralysis of fertility-fluids. Nothing nourishes the fertility-fluids. Envy is being shed by Hu. Eagle-vultures are pasturing the life-manifestations. Confusion is gathering-together the fertility-fluids | Fate-cursed is Hu.
  2. Emanations (from moon and stars) bring the attention-shifting. The gathering-place's (net) energy is getting involved with (its) deficiency. Activity-levels are nesting emotion-magic. Those vibrations are being revealed. Energy is nourishing the eagle-vultures which are abandoning judgment. |  Powers-Of-Death are seeing emotion-magic. The powers-of-death are involved.

Lines 17 and 18: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.17)
  1. TaWu  RaḪu  MuTu  | The pasture (night sky) is anointing murder |  
  2. KaYyu  Le'u  ṢeTu The prodding by astrological-powers is causing drought
  3. Ru  KaMu  Ṣu Eagle-vultures are being bound by activity-levels
  4. E  Ḫu Nothing is coming from Hu
  5. Ru  MuTu  E | Eagle-vultures are murdering nothing |
  6. WA  Qu  Ḫu Fate-cursed are the life-threads of Hu
  7. Mu  ṢuMu  AGu Fertility-fluids are being dehydrated by anger.

(Levant 14.18)
  1. Lu  Ya  YHWH  WSuḪu Not lacking Yahweh is from fate-cursing the revolt  
  2. Bu  EMu  Lu  Gi Nourishments are being controlled by the lack of energy
  3. Nu  IKu  Mu  Ṣu  | The Revealer (Yahu) is activated by irrigation from fertility-fluid's |
  4. UMu  Lu  KaYyu  Storm-powers are lacking prodding
  5. ṢeRu  A  LaBu  Nu Life is still coming from the lord of revelations (Yahu)
  6. A  Tu Nothing is coming from emotion-magic

In English

  1. The pasture (night sky) is anointing murder. |  The prodding by astrological-powers is causing drought. Eagle-vultures are being bound by activity. Nothing is coming from Hu. Eagle-vultures are murdering nothing. |  Fate-cursed are the life-threads of Hu. Fertility-fluids are being dehydrated by anger.
  2. Not lacking Yahweh is from fate-cursing the revolt. Nourishments are being controlled by the lack of energy. The Revealer (Yahu) is activated by irrigation from fertility-fluid's. | Storm-powers are lacking prodding. Life is still coming from the lord of revelations (Yahu). Nothing is coming from emotion-magic.

Lines 19 and 20: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.19)
  1. YaHu  ŠaWu  IṢu  Bu YaHu is being roasted by a scarcity of nourishments
  2. Bu  EBu  E  Nourishments are not coming from the sky-shell
  3. Lu  Tu Lacking is the emotion-magic
  4. aMu  EBu  Ya  | The paralysis is not affected by the sky-shell |
  5. UYa  GeRu  Ṣu  Fate-cursing is guiding the activity-levels
  6. EKu  Mu  ṢaMu Starvation dehydrates the fertility-fluids  
  7. Gi  Nu  IWu Energy redirects the revelations (of life-forms).

(Levant 14.20)
  1. AQu  ḪaMu  Mu  Expectations are paralyzing the fertility-fluids
  2. ABu  Mu  A  TeNu  Life-priests should replace those fertility -fluids
  3. A  Ṣu  KaLu Those activity-powers are being restrained
  4. Ru  Ṣu  E  | Eagle-vultures are activating nothing |
  5. WA  Ṣu  A  Fate-Curses are activating those
  6. EBu  YaHu  Šu The sky-shell is the same as Yahu
  7. WA  Ḫu  Zu  E Fate-Curses are not from Hu's emanations

In English

  1. Yahu (YH) is being roasted by a scarcity of nourishments. Nourishments are not coming from the sky-shell. Lacking is emotion-magic. The paralysis is not affected by the sky-shell. |  Fate-cursing is guiding the activity-levels. Starvation dehydrates the fertility-fluids. Energy redirects the revelations (of life-forms).
  2. Expectations are paralyzing the fertility-fluids. Life-priests should replace those fertility -fluids. Those activity-powers are being restrained. Eagle-vultures are activating nothing. |  Fate-Curses are activating those. The sky-shell is the same as Yahu (YH). Fate-Curses are not from Hu's emanations.

Lines 21 and 22: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.21)
  1. Lu  Su  Gi  Ta'u  Any lack of Su (motion powers) is from energizing the pasture (night sky)
  2. Lu  Du  IBu  Nu  |  Any lack of Life-manifestations is from making an enemy of the Revealer (Yahu) |
  3. ANnu  Ka  Bu   Considerations are involved with the nourishments
  4. NeTu  Ya  Qu Don't prune the life-threads
  5. Ru  Ḫu  E    Eagle-vultures of Hu are not doing anything
  6. Ḫu  MuTu Hu is being murdered
  7. E  Ya'u  Ru  NaWu Nothing of Yahu is abandoned by the eagle-vultures
  8. Ḫu  MuTu Hu is being murdered

(Levant 14.22)
  1. E'  GaLu  | Yahu (E'u)  is detached |
  2. WA  NeKu  Bu  Fate-Curses are stripping naked the nourishments
  3. NeTu  Ya  Ṣe' u Don't prune the blockages
  4. ReYu  EWu  A  Shepherds (magic crafters) will attend to that
  5. Nu  Ku  Bu The Revealer (Yahu) has been involved with nourishments
  6. Nu  Tu  Ya The Revealer does not craft-emotion-magic
  7. Mu  Gu  DaLu  Fertility-fluids are being energized by the water-bringer (Ba'al)
  8. Tu  E  | Emotion-magic is bringing nothing  |
  9. WA  | It is fate-cursed  |

In English

  1. Any lack of Su (motion powers) is from energizing the pasture (night sky). Any lack of Life-manifestations is from making an enemy of the Revealer (Yahu). | Considerations are involved with the nourishments. Don't prune the life-threads. Eagle-vultures of Hu are not doing anything. Hu is being murdered. Nothing of Yahu is abandoned by the eagle-vultures. Hu is being murdered.
  2. Yahu (E'u)  is detached. |  Fate-Curses are stripping naked the nourishments. Don't prune the blockages. Shepherds (magic crafters) will attend to that. The Revealer (Yahu) has been involved with nourishments. The Revealer does not craft-emotion-magic. Fertility-fluids are being energized by the water-bringer (Ba'al). Emotion-magic is bringing nothing.  |  It is fate-cursed.  |

Lines 23 and 24: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.23)
  1. Nu  Ku  Bu The Revealer (Yahu) has been involved with nourishments
  2. Nu  Tu  Ya  The Revealer (Yahu) has not been doing magic
  3. BeTu  Mu  Lu    The houses (zodiac) lack fertility-fluids
  4. Ku  WA  Nu  (Their) involvement is fate-cursing the Revealer
  5. Ka'u  Ṣu  Tu (Their) prodding is being activated by magic
  6. IKu  Lu  AYu  Irrigation is lacking Ayu
  7. AṢu   Nothing is being expelled 
  8. U [2 letters] Ya [rubbed out phrase]
  9. Nu  BaQu  RaBu The Revealer is being swarmed the authorities (planets)

(Levant 14.24)
  1. QeRu  | Nothing is being queried |
  2. U  BaRu  ANu  BaQu While seers (natural world diviners) are considering the swarm (locusts),
  3. RaBu  EQu the authorities (planets) are ineffective
  4. RaBu  QeRu The authorities should be queried. 
  5. Ḫu  EWu Hu is shifting-attention
  6. AMeRu  Lu  KaLu The astrologers are lacking emotional-restraint
  7. E' u  M'u Yahu (E')  is being pushed away
  8.  Ṣu  U  Lu Activity is due to lack

In English

  1. The Revealer (Yahu) has been involved with nourishments. The Revealer (Yahu) has not been doing emotion-magic. The houses (zodiac) lack fertility-fluids. (Their) involvement is fate-cursing the Revealer. (Their) prodding is being activated by emotion-magic. Irrigation is lacking Ayu. Nothing is being expelled. [rubbed out phrase]. The Revealer is being swarmed the authorities (planets).
  2. Nothing is being queried |  While seers (natural world diviners) are considering the swarm (locusts), the authorities (planets) are ineffective. The authorities should be queried. Hu is shifting-attention. The astrologers are lacking emotional-restraint. Yahu (E')  is being pushed away. Activity is due to lack.

Lines 25 and 26: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.25)
  1. KaMu  A  Ṣu  BaRu Those bindings (of network links) are activating the seers  
  2. BiBu  ITu  E  |  Gatekeepers (owls) are foreshadowing nothing | 
  3. WA  NeKu  Ku  Ru  Fate-Curses are stripping-naked the involvement of eagle-vultures.
  4. Tu  Ya   Don't craft-magic
  5. EMu  Ku  Ru   The Supervisor (Ayu) is involved with eagle-vultures
  6. TiTtu  Lu Figs are lacking
  7. QeRu  Ḫu  Query (pray for) Hu
  8. EBu  ASu  Ru The sky-shell will celestially-heal the eagle-vultures

(Levant 14.26)
  1. [1]Y  ṢeRu  ALu  | [  ] life-space  Alu  | 
  2. ANu  Ku  Bu Considerations (focused emotions) are getting involved with nourishments
  3. NeTu  Ya'u  Re'u  The pruning shepherds Yahu (I')
  4. Ru  WA   Eagle-vultures are fate-cursed
  5. Nu  Ka' u The Revealer (Yahu) is being prodded
  6. Ṣe  Tu  Ya  EMu  Activity is not being magically-generated by the Supervisor (Ayu)
  7. SeLu  TaBu  A Selu is that arousal
  8. Ru  NuNu  U Eagle-vultures are due to chaos

In English

  1. Those bindings (from planets) are activating the seers. Gatekeepers (owls) are foreshadowing nothing. |  Fate-Curses are stripping-naked the involvement of eagle-vultures. Don't craft-emotion-magic. The Supervisor (Ayu) is involved with eagle-vultures. Figs are lacking. Query (pray for) Hu. The sky-shell will celestially-heal the eagle-vultures.
  2. [  ] life-space  Alu  |  Considerations (focused emotions) are getting involved with nourishments. The pruning shepherds Yahu (I'). Eagle-vultures are fate-cursed. The Revealer (Yahu) is being prodded. Activity is not being magically-generated by the Supervisor (Ayu). Selu is that arousal. Eagle-vultures are due to chaos. 

Lines 27 and 28: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.27)
  1. ANu  Ku  Bu   Considerations (focused emotions) are getting involved with nourishments 
  2. Na  Tu  Ya The Revealer (Yahu) does not craft-magic
  3. Bu  TaBu  Mu Nourish arousal of the fertility-fluids
  4. Tu  KaYyu  ERu  Magic could be prodding the gathering-place (network layer)
  5. Su  E  A  | Su (full moon god) is not doing that. |
  6. ANu  Ku  Bu  Consideration (focused emotions) are getting involved with nourishments 
  7. Na  Tu  Ya The Revealer (Yahu) does not craft-magic
  8. Bu  ŠeRu  Nourish the Conductor (star Sirius)
  9. Ku  Ya'u  INu Involve Yahu's moon-eye (Su)

(Levant 14.28)
  1. [4 letters] Ṣa [2 or 3 words] activity
  2. Du  Ya  Bu  NeḪu Don't manifest the nourishments of stillness (death)
  3. Mu  Ṣu  Na Fertility-fluids are activating the Revealer
  4. Ku  Ya  KaLu Don't be involved with the restraints 
  5. Du  Ya  Bu  Nu which don't manifest the nourishments of the Revealer
  6. Mu  Ṣu  Ma'u  Tu  | Fertility-fluids are being activated by the pushing from magic |
  7. WA  Nu  Fate-cursed is the Revealer
  8. Ka  Mu  LaKu The Involvement of the fertility-fluids (with emotion magic) is weak

In English

  1. Considerations (focused emotions) are getting involved with nourishments.  The Revealer (Yahu) does not craft-magic. Nourish arousal of the fertility-fluids. Magic could be prodding the gathering-place (network layer). Su (full moon god) is not doing that. |  Consideration (focused emotions) are getting involved with nourishments. The Revealer (Yahu) does not craft-magic. Nourish the Conductor (star Sirius). Involve Yahu's moon-eye (Su).
  2. [2 or 3 words] activity. Don't manifest the nourishments of stillness (death). Fertility-fluids are activating the Revealer. Don't be involved with the restraints which don't manifest the nourishments of the Revealer. Fertility-fluids are being activated by the pushing from magic. |  Fate-cursed is the Revealer. The Involvement of the fertility-fluids (with emotion magic) is weak.

Lines 29 and 30: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.29)
  1. T [2 letters] [2 words missing]
  2. [I]M  A  TaBu  [Emotions] are aroused by that
  3. QeRu  Nu  AṢu Queries expel the Revealer  
  4. ReYu  Su  Lu   Shepherds (magic crafters) lack Su
  5. Tu  Ya'u  Lu  Magic lacks Yahu (Y')
  6. ARu  Šu  | Nothing is being controlled by correspondences (emotion magic) |
  7. WA  Nu  Ku Fate-Cursed is the Revealer's involvement 
  8. Bu  NaTu Nourish the pruning (of life-threads)

(Levant 14.30)
  1. Y [3 letters]D [missing phrase]
  2. AWu  Bu  Tu Motion-powers are nourishing magic
  3. DaBbu  Lu  TeNu  | The connections (of network links) are lacking replacements |
  4. UBu  Tu  Ba'u The patroller's (planet's) magic is nesting
  5. Lu  Ma'u  Nu Any-lack is from pushing away the Revealer (by life powers)
  6. WA  Ṣu Fate-Cursed is the activity-level which
  7. AṢu  Mu is expelling fertility-fluids
  8. Tu  NiQu  Du That magic is pouring-away the life-manifestations

In English

  1. [2 words missing]. [Emotions] are aroused by that. Queries expel the Revealer. Shepherds (magic crafters) lack Su. Magic lacks Yahu (Y'). Nothing is being controlled by correspondences (emotion magic). | Fate-Cursed is the Revealer's involvement.  Nourish the pruning (of life-threads).
  2. [missing phrase]. Motion-powers are nourishing magic. The connections (of network links) are lacking replacements. | The patroller's (planet's) magic is nesting. Any-lack is from pushing away the Revealer (by life powers). Fate-Cursed is the activity-level which is expelling fertility-fluids. That magic is pouring-away the life-manifestations.

Lines 31 and 32: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.31)
  1. [2 missing phrases]Š  AN
  2. ARu  Šu | Nothing is controlling the correspondences. |
  3. UḪu  URru  NuNu  Radiation of the dawn is being chaotic
  4. IṢu  BiBu  EBu Scarcity is being gated by the sky-shell
  5. NG [1]  UD  [2]  AMR .....

(Levant 14.32)
  1. ....... ....
  2. ... AMu  Ru [missing words] Reed-Boat's eagle-vultures
  3. Lu  IKu  Ma  Ṣu  ReDu  E Any lack of irrigation is from the fertility-fluid's activity-levels driving nothing
  4. Lu  Tu  Ḫu  Mu  BaḪu Any lack of magic is from Hu's fertility-fluids being thin   
  5. URru  NuNu Dawn is being chaotic |
  6. WA  ReDu  U[1] Cursed is the driver of [missing word]

In English

  1. ..... Nothing is controlling the correspondences. |  Radiation of the dawn is being chaotic. Scarcity is being gated by the sky-shell ....
  2. .... [missing words] Reed-Boat's eagle-vultures. Any lack of irrigation is from the fertility-fluid's activity-levels driving nothing. Any lack of magic is from Hu's fertility-fluids being thin . Dawn is being chaotic |  Cursed is the driver of [missing word].

Lines 33 and 34: Translation in Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on original. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels, Verbs in italic bold)(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
(Levant 14.33)
  1. ......
  2. Bu  EKu  Mu  Ṣu Nourishments are being starved by the fertility-fluid's activity-levels
  3. Bu  IMu  Ya  Nourishments are not emotional
  4. U'a  Le'u  Du  Fate-curses are astrologically-empowering the life-manifestations 
  5. EMu  Ṣu  The Supervisor (Ayu) has been activated
  6. Ma'u  Ṣu  | Pushing has been activated |
  7. [2 letters]

(Levant 14.34)
  1. .....
  2. MuTu  ṢaDu  Qu  |  Murder is being fed by the threads
  3. WA  Nu [2 letters] Cursed is the Revealer's [missing word]

In English

  1. .... Nourishments are being starved by the fertility-fluid's activity-levels. Nourishments are not emotional. Fate-curses are astrologically-empowering the life-manifestations.  The Supervisor (Ayu) has been activated. Pushing has been activated | [missing word]
  2. .... Murder is being fed by the threads. Cursed is the Revealer's [missing word]