Palmyra Etruscan-Hellenistic Plaque 250 BCE

All Dates Determined by Letter Styles. Letter charts and lexicon references here.

Plaque from Palmyra now at the Louvre (AO 20119). Online at:

Palmyra Hellenistic Plaque Promoting Motion Powers - AO 20119

(March 4, 2024) The letter style of this text is Etruscan Hellenistic which derives from the Etruscan tradition. Yet this letter style retains some Aegean Island elements making it slightly older than what appears of the Rosetta Stone which is dated to 200 BCE. 

This text is promoting ritual activity to energize the astrological powers to move the fertility fluids of the life network so they can trigger rain and life forms.

The text says:

  1. Nothing is pasturing the patrollers (planets). Emanations are due to the openings.
  2. Energy is not patrolling the life-priests. Energy is from the patrollers.
  3. The revelations from Yahu (Y') and the pasture (astrological night sky) are not from the patrollers.
  4. Those can turn-attention towards the prodders. The patrollers can shape that.
  5. The stuffing (life network) can nourish Yahu (Y').  The prodders (motion powers) can open the drying of the enemy.
  6. Emotion-curses [are not from] the stuffing.  The stuffing can nourish the network-birds
  7. Energy can filter the nourishments involving Ayu.  The same-thing reveals Su.
  8. Lack of eagle-vultures can involve Ayu.  The night be involved with that.
  9. Lack of activity has been revealed. Nourish the activity opening those pasture-powers.
  10. In a similar way, this stillness (death) is caused by a lack of Hu. Eagle-vultures cause starvation. 

Previous Translation Attempt Accepted by the Louvre



(March 4, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 20119.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 74)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. E   Ta'u  UBu.  Zu  Pu  U (Lev 74.1)
  2. Gi  UBu Ya  ABu.  Gi  UBu  A (Lev 74.2) 

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Nothing is pasturing the patrollers (planets). Emanations are due to the openings.
  2. Energy is not patrolling the life-priests. Energy is from the patrollers.

(March 4, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 20119.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 74)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Nu  Ya'u  U  Ta'u  UBu  E     (Lev 74.3)
  2. EWu  Ka'u.  UBu  TaRu  A (Lev 74.4

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The revelations from Yahu (Y') and the pasture (astrological night sky) are not from the patrollers.
  2. Those can turn-attention towards the prodder. The patrollers can shape that.

(March 4, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 20119.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 74)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. TaḪu  Ya'u  Bu.  Ka'u  Pu  EPu  YaBu      (Lev 74.5)
  2. TuDu  TaḪu  [E].  TaḪu  Bu  Pa'u    (Lev 74.6

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The stuffing (life network) can nourish Yahu (Y').  The prodders can open the drying from the enemy.
  2. Emotion-curses [are not from] the stuffing.  The stuffing can nourish the network-birds

(March 4, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 20119.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 74)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Gi  ESu  Bu.  Ku  AYu.  Šu  Su  Nu     (Lev 74.7)
  2. Lu  Ru  Ku  AYu.  MuŠu  Ku  A    (Lev 74.8

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Energy can filter the nourishments involving Ayu.  The same-thing reveals Su.
  2. Lack of eagle-vultures can involve Ayu.  The night be involved with that.

(March 4, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 20119.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 74)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Lu  Ṣu  NuBu  Ṣu  Pu  A  Ta'u      (Lev 74.9)
  2. Šu  A  NaḪu  Lu  Ḫu.  Ru  EKu (Lev 74.10) an old style "" is used to form the word for the god "Hu."

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Lack of activity has been revealed. Nourish the activity opening those pasture-powers.
  2. In a similar way, this stillness (death) is caused by a lack of Hu. Eagle-vultures cause starvation.