Tayma, Saudi Arabia Inscriptions 450 BCE

For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts

Teima was an oasis along a trade route towards Yemen and from there onto India.

Teima (Tayma) Fortress Stone

(January 10, 2024) The Tayma oasis was an important trade stop in Arabia which was mentioned in cuneiform inscriptions and in the Bible. Taymāʾ had been visited by the European's Wallin in 1848, Guarmani in 1864, and Doughty in 1877. Charles Huber himself had passed through it in November 1880. 

This stone was found outside the town's fortress by either or both French explorer Charles Huber (1847-84) and language specialist J. Euting in 1884. It was Euting who mailed a squeeze of the Tayma inscriptions and his Nabatean inscriptions on June 12, 1884 from Jerusalem to his friend Nöldeke in Germany.

It is traditionally dated to between 400 and 500 BCE.

The text reads:

  1. (Blaming life-powers) The Winnowers (eagle vultures) are weaving the Comber's Ayu's) fertility-fluids.
  2. (Blaming motion powers) The fertility-fluids are being considered (that is, they are being worked on by emotion magic).  The currents are fate-cursing the fertility-fluids. 
  3. (Blaming motion powers) Fertility-fluids are pastured by the moon-eyed-one's (astrological magic crafters) emotional-triggers
  4. (Blaming life powers) Astrology-magic is not affecting purifications. Openings are dispersing nothing.


William Facey (2022) Charles Huber: France's Greatest Arabian Explorer. Online at: https://www.academia.edu/88223984/Charles_Huber_Frances_Greatest_Arabian_Explorer, page 43

Teima Tablet 500-400 BCE

Photo by Franck-Roux (2003). From the Louvre.  Inventory number AO 27196. Dimensions 20.1 cm x 28.3 cm x 8 cm.
This was found outside the fort during an archaeological expedition led by Charles Huber. Online at: https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010151488

Another View of Teima Tablet 500-400 BCE

(January 10, 2024)  This is a debate with the 1st line having Etruscan style lettering (but with added letter tails on many), the second line having Persian Empire (Aramaic) lettering, and the 3rd and 4th lines being different mixes and representing a 3rd and 4th person.

Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (East Text 1)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) 
  1. PaNu  UTu  ZaPu Mu (East 1.1)  
  2. Mu  ANu.  NaṢu  WA  Mu (East 1.2)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. (Blaming life-powers) The Winnowers (eagle vultures) are weaving the Comber's Ayu's) fertility-fluids.
  2. (Blaming motion powers) The fertility-fluids are being considered (that is, they are being worked on by emotion magic).  The currents are fate-cursing the fertility-fluids. 

(January 10, 2024)  This is a debate with the 1st line having Etruscan style lettering (but with added letter tails on many), the second line having Persian Empire (Aramaic) lettering, and the 3rd and 4th lines being different mixes and representing a 3rd and 4th person.

Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (East Text 1)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) 
  1. Mu  INu  IMu  TaWu (East 1.3)  
  2. Tu  Yu  HaPu.  Pu  NaLu  E (East 1.4)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Fertility-fluids are pastured by the moon-eyed-one's (astrological magic crafters) emotional-triggers
  2. Astrology-magic is not affecting purifications. Openings are dispersing nothing.

Teima Stele - Louvre AO1505

Found by Charles Huber and/or J. Euting, 1884. The runes are not quite readable in this photo.
From Wikimedia commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Teima_stone_Louvre_AO1505.jpg

Teima Long Stone (Need Better Photograph)