Common Correspondences

(July 7, 2022) Correspondences are spiritual/emotional resonances generated by physical things or events. 

Compelling plant correspondences to the four classical elements. This shows that the four elements are a great yet simple framework for all sorts of emotional resonances.

Elemental Correspondences

(July 7, 2022) This group of correspondences provides a simple framework encompassing most emotions. This is why they are often used to call the corners when creating a sacred space for rituals.

Earth (north)

Air (east) (ancient languages used the same word for air and spirit)

Fire (south)

Water (west)

A good selection of magical stones. Their magic comes from the feelings and perceptual biases they generate within you and not from any inherent power on their part. While they have suggested resonances based upon what has worked for others you must discover what those feelings really are for you.
To properly unlock the power of a stone requires that you first work with it. Start the working by cleaning the stone with water, hold it a while, look at it, get to know it, lets its gut level meaning sink into you. Next carry it around for a week. Put it into your pocket or purse so you can handle it often in order that it will never be far from your thoughts. If handling a gem for the first time the ideal situation after a week is to talk about it with an experienced practitioner. You will often be surprised at the results.

Top Magical Stones

(July 7, 2022) Listed below are the suggested resonances for the most popular stones:

The Sacred Cup. For a taste of advanced numerology which goes beyond the ancient era consider the sacred cup. 
It's shape is defined by the "natural number" (Euler number) which is written as the letter "e." It is written this way because it is an irrational number which can never be precisely defined. It is 2.71828182...... . 
Its significance is that it represents rates of change which are proportional to it underlying quantity. Looking at the sacred cup we see that its sides rise ever faster the higher it is from the base. This number is found everywhere in nature.

Numerology: The Resonances of Numbers

(July 7, 2022) Numbers have had meanings since ancient times. The meanings listed below are the ones which appear in history but your emotional responses to them might be different:​


Antonello, Elio ( ) Hesiod’s Calendar and the Star Spica
Sparavigna, Amelia ( ) The Pleiades: the celestial herd of ancient timekeepers.
A color chart showing how colors are related to each other.

Common Resonances of Color

(July 7, 2022) We humans have generally been emotionally conditioned in regards to colors by our culture. Here is a list of possibilities with each meaning related to others in a way which correlates with their underlying color mix. But each person must come up with their own list based upon their own feelings:​ 

On the color chart:​